Environmental Education

        Environmental Education 2019


Our Primary goal is to preserve the Sounds for Future Generations. We are Kaitiakitanga.

Youth need to know why we are so passionate about that preservation. They need to be involved in that process to become Kaitiakitanga themselves so we have provided FREE education modules for teachers.

FREE Education for Youth

All the resources are there for them to integrate into their Schools lessons plans. This year is also a focus for us as a community on the 250-year celebrations of our community being formed. Captain Cook played a big role

See Modules Below :

Youth Guardians of the Sounds – Totaras for Totaranui

Captain Cook & HMS Endeavour for Schools


Outdoor Classroom -Bush Oasis

We have also created a FREE outdoors Classroom in the beautiful Essons Valley in Picton. This was with the help of (MDC ) Marlborough District Council. On the way up to the Bush Oasis Classroom, information signs have been put in place covering local flora,   fauna, geology and the water catchment operated by MDC.

Sponsorship and Development

The information signs, picnic tables and the seated bush oasis area has been well received by the community and was sponsored by donations from MDC and E-Ko tours. MDC will be doing further updates on the Information Signs in 2019 working with us on Environmental Education.

A toilet was also installed for summer and MDC will be adding a permanent facility there for the community.